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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  January 1, 2012 10:00pm-10:45pm PST

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fire at a home in san francisco leads to evacuations, we are on the scene right now as firefighters look for a cause. good evening i'm ken pritchett. >> hello everyone, i'm healther haynes. lauranne blanco is at the scene of a three alarm fire. >> reporter: san francisco police cars blocking at a sonic
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and hayte all the way three blocks up. this fire started in a three unit building. an elderly man notified police. >> i came out and i saw a fire, it was pretty intense. it didn't go away, it actually took the fire department quite a while to put it out. >> reporter: although there is significant damage to at least one building, there are no reports of major injuries at this time. one person was treated for shortness of breath. meantime masonic is still closed while firefighters and
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police investigate. laurane blanco. >> reporter: san jose had several incidents on new year's eve. a man was stabbed while he was walking down the guadalupe river. then gunfire wounded a man and woman. six people went to the hospital with stab wounds. >> i've been here more than 15 years, and it's not like that. it's not like that, maybe it's people that come and decided to make party and it happened. >> reporter: three more incidents happened in the early morning fire. police called the violence unfortunate but not unusual for new year's eve. police arrested segal sadiq
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friday night hours after finding her. she was the mother of the suspect's partner. the motive remains under investigation. crime fighting in san jose are taking on a different tone. what it will take for police to -- today was day one of a new law and it took some customers by surprise. some are skipping the bags all . gether. >> reporter: this bag is no longer an option. this bag now costs 10-cents. so some shoppers are taking things into their own hands. you need to deal with it, you know. >> reporter: annoyed, absolutely. this safe way shopper throwing lose groceries into the trunk of his car knows it's going to
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be a hassle unloading too. >> why not do what you've been doing for the last several years. not something you need to change. >> reporter: but change is making the plastic bag a thing of the past. some customers saved a stash. >> about 50 of them. >> reporter: a lot. this shopper says if you can carry it to the counter you can carry it to your car. >> i usually don't use a bag. no need. >> reporter: on this first day, many customers remember to bring bags. others bought their dinner then something to carry it in. >> does it bug you to have to pay for that bag? >> it does. it does, a little bit but i understand why we're doing it. >> reporter: some 5,000 retailers in san jose will now help keep plastic out of the waste streams. plastics still rule food
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packages and this store still has plastic lining in trash cans. but since six paper bags add up. this customer will be investigating. >> i don't know if it's going to fit in it. >> reporter: brave new world. >> brave new world. 2012. >> reporter: it applies to every single store. now this week many of them including safe way and khole's department store will be giving away the bags easing into this new byob era. we're going to be taking a look at the new laws taking effect. see what's new in california for 2012. police responding to gunfire found themselves offering help to two women shot at different locations.
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when police arrived at 14th and franklin streets around 2:00 a.m. they found a woman with a gunshot wound to her hand. as they investigated, a car drove up with another woman who had been shot in her leg. police say the shootings are unrelated. both women are being treated at the hospital and no arrests have been made in either case. a $2,500 reward is being offered. oakland police hope the reward will give them new leads to the death of gabriel martinez jr. the boy was outside his family's taco truck on 54th avenue and international boulevard on friday night when a man ordered some food and then turned around and sprayed the truck with gunfire. the suspect then drove away with a female companion. and this new year's brings new years resolutions for many people and how to keep them.
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fireworks last night ushered in 2012 for thousands of people crowded along san francisco's embarcadero. most in the crowd resolved this would be the year they lose weight, exercised or stop smoking. as for sticking with the resolution, well 75% will maintain past the first week but that number drops significantly to 46% after just six months. men time illegal fire -- meantime, illegal fireworks lined the skyline. today occupy protesters in oakland marked the three year anniversary of the killing of oscar grant. oakland occupy has for months associated its movement for grant. ktvu spoke with grant's family about the connection. >> reporter: three years after he was shot and killed by a b.a.r.t.
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police officer, oscar grant has become a martyr of sorts. more than 120 protesters gathered to remember grant this afternoon before marching to the fruitvale b.a.r.t. station where grant, unarmed, hands behind his back was killed on january 1, 2008. oscar grant's family gathered there for a private memorial service earlier. >> it's a day for us to remember oscar. and to not forget what happened to him. >> reporter: grant's mother says oscar's legacy lies in ending police brutality and holding officers accountable for their actions. as for the legacy of occupy oakland, undetermined. >> i feel that people are
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rallying for different things in the movement. >> reporter: oscar's mother says that the group may not have one single purpose but are unified. while tens of millions of the people were getting ready to watch the new year's party in new yorks time square. a quite different gathering was happening near wall street. occupy wall street protesters tore down barricades the original site of the occupy movement. officers arrested 68 people. after that the crowd broke up and the park remained unoccupied. monday is the second spare the air day in a row and the 12th this winter. it is illegal to burn anything
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inside or out unless wood burning is your main source of heat. now when winds are slow the smoke didn't get cleared out of the atmosphere. and the unhealthy air is especially bad for people that suffer from asthma. apple is now featuring a spare the air app. the 17-year-old primate was taken from its enclosure. now a man says he found the monkey a mile away in stern grove park last night. zoo officials say the monkey was scared and hungry, and it'll be several days before he's allowed back in his cave with his fellow monkeys. it is not clear tonight if anyone would be receiving that award. there is word tonight pg & e has found 22 leaks in about 13 miles of gasdistribution pipelines that it had never
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inspected. the utility said the pipes had never been looked at because the maps detailing them were left out of a leak survey schedule that is required every five years. the leaks were found in pittsburgh, byron and concord. one was classed as grade one. a leak defined as a hazard to people or property. pg & e says the leak has now been repaired, the others are scheduled to be fixed in january. firefighters and police in los angeles are telling residents to turn on lights and lock their cars in a way to stop arsons. last night there were seven more cars torched bringing the number to 29 of cars torched. some fires have spread to apartments as well as houses. firefighters say they are working overtime to catch the arsonists. >> the acts we've seen here in these communities have kept these professionals up at night
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and working tirelessly. the fire department alone has responded to over 3,300 calls for service in the city. >> reporter: police say they want to talk to a white man in his mid-30s with a pony tail who was recorded on a security camera. it is very possible that some of these fires are now being set by copy cats. >> reporter: a family tells us what happened just an hour into 2012. and just two days until the presidential primary season officially begins. the last minute stumping from the campaign trail in iowa. the 10:00 news continues in just 90 seconds.
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just minutes into the new year, a house goes up in flames leaving a family homeless. the victims were left with next to nothing. >> gone everything is gone. >> reporter: -- never thought she would be left with nothing outside of her house. >> i don't have my purse, any i.d. nothing. everything is gone. >> reporter: all because of a
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fire that started in a basket of laundry. a neighbor shot this video shows the blames consuming the attic and first floor. she, her teenage son and friend were sleeping inside when a fire detector went off. >> it started in my room because a friend woke me up and said they saw smoke. i got my kids up, get up there's a fire. >> they were fighting a difficult fire from the start. >> reporter: because these historic homes often lack fire breaks. >> we can have a fire in the attic and first floor within minutes. >> reporter: the home which is part of the historic district was heavily damaged. >> it's sad, you can't protect them from fire. >> reporter: the damage is of
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at least a half a million dollars. the red cross is putting them up for a few days until they can if -- figure out where to go next. san jose police officers will not respond to burglar alarms unless there is some proof that a break-in is taking place. people say it is an invitation to burglars. the department says they don't have enough man power. a 15-year-old petaluma boy is in the hospital after being hit in the crosswalk by an alleged drunk driver. police say 20-year-old wesley pittsburg failed to stop striking the teen in the
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crosswalk. the boy is in stable condition with serious injuries. pittsburgh was book into the sonoma county jail on $30,000 bail. vallejo is marking a homicide rate that is getting worse instead of better. in 2011, 18 killings took place in vallejo. most notably the shooting death of police officer jim kapoot. that's one more than during 2010. and the city's second highest homicide rate since 1994. the last slaying of 2011 happened just before christmas. 22-year-old cesar villalobos was stabbed to death in his pickup truck. san jose became the first city in the nation to boost the minimum wage above $10 an hour. city council introduced the proposition last year. the minimum wage in san francisco went from $9.92 an
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hour to $10.24 an hour. new figures out tonight show how hard the recession has hit the bay area housing market. in an analysis for the san jose mercury news. data quick reports that local homes lost more than 1/3 of a trillion dollars during the past four years. homes in oakland lost an average of $350,000. in concord the average loss was $289,000. with $267,000 in san jose and 205,000 in san francisco. home equity loans have dropped about 90% since 2007. well you may want to pack your golf clubs in instead of your skis. the reno lake tahoe area ended the year with one of its driest decembers on record. in fact, in the last three months of the year, tahoe city received just a little more than 3-inches of precipitation. and right now the tahoe basin is 35% of average.
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officials at a golf course on tahoe's normally snowy says it's busy. romney has spent $3 million on advertising in iowa. even though many voters remain undecided. barbara hall reports on the latest efforts before tuesday's caucus. a political fight to the finish line before the first voting of the 2012 presidential race. the register poll shows mitt romney and ron paul neck and neck. >> we're doing very, very well. and people should just be a little bit patient. >> reporter: rival mitt romney
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is barely leading. santorum rounded out the top three. >> my surge is going to come out january 1st after the people of iowa do what they do. which is analyze the candidates are. >> reporter: iowa's governor seems to agree. >> unite the republicans, and defeat obama. we launched in, we want to sink him. >> reporter: newt gingrich, perry and bachmann stomping in iowa. while huntsman focuses on new hampshire which votes a week after the iowa caucus. i'm barbara hall reports. >> besides the republican candidates president obama is gearing up for his campaign in iowa as well. the team organizer for america has set up shop in key cities.
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mr.obama won the democratic caucus over hillary clinton. two women became the first couple in delaware to become a couple. lawyers christie and fennell helped draft the legislation. the ceremony was held at an episcopal church. the congregation gave the couple a standing ovation. >> you are legally joined as partners in life. >> as of today, hawaii allows civil unions for same-sex couples. if couples wanted their unions to become official as soon as possible. >> we have been together for 33 years waiting for the opportunity. and our rights and everything that goes with it. so, why wait? >> reporter: hawaii will now
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recognize same-sex unions from other states as well. one organizer called the new law one step forward equality. coming up a little bit later, getting tougher on smoking. the bay area city that is about to enforce one of the strictest bans around. 60s and 70s for the first day of 2012, i'm tracking the weather system offshore, coming up the temperature change you will notice for tomorrow. also let you know if we have rain showers showing up on the long rain weather cast.
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>> two startling claims today from teheran. on the same day its navy tested a surface to air missile, it has confirmed a nuclear claim.
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>> reporter: after announcing a postponement of a missile test yesterday. iran carried out that test today. a launch of c2 air missile designed to avoid radar. iran announced they had produced the first rod which prosides fuel for nuclear reactors. that is an achievement that many experts believed iran was not capable of. john bolton says this narrows the window of time for iran to react. >> a month or so ago, he thought iran could have a nuclear system. the time in which they have to take military action against the iran and nuclear weapons program is very, very short. >> reporter: the missile test and announcement of construction of nuclear rods comes a day after president obama signed a measure that is
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designed to reduce iran's measure. many believe the sanction would be the toughest yet applied on iran. iran's currency slips to a record low today. in other news of the world tonight, south korea's president today spoke of national television opening the door to possible nuclear talks with north korea. but he warned that should north korea provoke his country seoul would respond strongly. 50 south koreans died last year in attacks blamed on north korea. meantime north korea issued a statement saying they would defend kim jong un until death. anti government demonstrators marked the new year as activists said at least 10 people consider killed today as the government continued its crack down on protesters.
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with its violence continuing similarly unbaited, there's a call for the shut down of their monitors. demonstrators say they are frustrated with the leaderships inability to stop that violence. voting is now scheduled to start in late january -- the vote is expected to end by mid- february. today's announcement follows weeks of street protests. more than 100 people have been killed in clashes since the military took over in february. nasa says two identical probes are now circling the moon. the spacecraft are part of a mission known as g.r.a.i.
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l. nasa engineered planned to maneuver the two monitors close tore the moon. - - closer to the moon. see what's new in 2012. she is 7 pounds, 8-ounces of pure perfection. why this little one is getting so much attention today. %c1
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an update now on that three alarm fire in san francisco. crews are on the scene as investigators try to determine what may have sparked the fire. it was first reported about 8:10 this evening on masonic avenue near hague street. fire spread to three buildings. one perp -- person was taken to the hospital with injuries but it's unclear how serious those injuries are.
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at least three people were displaced by the fire. claudine wong gives us the highlight of the long list of new laws and which ones will have the biggest impact on you and your family. >> reporter: in the long laundry list of rules going into effect today, many knew about the new car seat law. >> i knew about that with a 5- year-old here. >> reporter: other laws target teens. they can't hop into a tanning booth or buy any cough medicine. and now schools have to address gay and lesbian bullying in schools. schools have to come up with
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rules over concussions for student athletes. >> it's either beer or caffeine. >> that's good, that won't affect you. >> i think i'll be okay. >> reporter: 2012 means gun owners have to change things up, they can no longer carry loaded weapons on-site. and if you have a child with autism, health insurers are now required to cover treatment. it's not just state laws bringing change. the plastic bag ban in san francisco. if you have a traffic ticket more than 3 years old, starting today certain fines may be eligible for a 50% discount. the ticket must have been due before january 1st of 2009. and it cannot be for parking violations, reckless driving or to the best -- or dui. the state expects $50 million
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in fines to be paid. come midnight, a strict smoking ordnance will go into effect in alameda. smoking will be banned in many places of unemployment. outdoor areas as well as public outdoor areas such as lines at movie theaters or atms. it'll also affect people in multi unit houses. while many complain the new ordnance is overreaching, others say it is a fresh of breath air, literally. >> my kids, you know one of them has asthma, and i have a younger one 2 years old. it's fantastic. i couldn't ask for more than that. it's good and it helps not only our health but the whole environment. >> places of business and apartment complexes are also required to postsigns reminding people of the ordnance. fines range from 400 to $500. a 6-year-old libyan girl who survived an attack that claimed the lives of her younger brother and sister are
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getting a very special new year's present. aisha has the girl's story and introduces us to the woman who made it all possible. >> reporter: 6-year-old malaka alshami can walk again. months after sustaining horrific injuries in libya which forced doctors there to amputate her leg. >> she went from her wheelchair to her new leg. the first time you see them standing on their own, it's very emotional. >> reporter: kahun in libya was napping when her parents progadhafi forces started firing in their neighborhood. in an instant, malak's life changed. her 3-year-old brother and 1- year-old sister died in the explosion while malak lost her right leg. thanks to the efforts of one american volunteer, alisa montanzi. the course of this little girl's life has been altered. malak and her family was flown
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to the u.s. so she could receive vital medical treatment at philadelphia's shriner's hospital. these first steps are giving the child and her parents a new lease on life. >> this is what we've been waiting for and it's free. we've been waiting for the moment for her to walk again. and there isn't a word that exists to express the happiness that i feel. >> reporter: while a new libya may still be reeling from its brutal civil war, thanks to the kindness of strangers, malak's parents can now head back to their country with hopes of a brighter future for their little girl. easbay stroke of midnight brought them their first baby girl. meet sofia tregeros. those at the medical center say sofia was the first baby born
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in the bay area in 2012. mom amelia said the baby was not due until january 3rd. but around 5:30 last night mom went into labor fingers crossed baby would wait until midnight. >> she gets to count down to her birthday every year. the fireworks are for her. >> sofia was a little longer than 19-inches long, she'll be greeted by four olders brothers when she goes home. >> i think we're better than that. we will hear more from raiders coach hugh jackson as he sounds off on the team. and mark tamayo will tell us which places can expect fog to start the day tomorrow.
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2012 has startedd with record breaking heat. those are the records, morgan hilltopped out 74. and a big cooler outside in vallejo and concord. this was the scene today looking out toward bay area as we head into the overnight hour. that will set the stage for a cloudy start for your monday morning. mostly cloudy skies, some areas of fog. the fog focused out toward the inland bay valleys especially toward fairfield and antioch. to the cost, fog is surging for
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the santa cruz family. approaching pacifica. temperatures will start the day to the coolest locations. mainly 30s and 40s. there's a weather system out here in the pacific i would like to basically push this about 350-miles to the east. because those will produce some rain but that will not be the case. the main energy with this system will be heading up to our north. with that for tomorrow some morning fog, mostly cloudy skies. temperatures most areas coming down about four to 8 degrees from today's highs. and we also bring in just a tiny chance of slight chance of a sprinkle up in the north bay. but the main shower active táeu -- activity will not be much. the forecast keeping things dry even beyond that. if you're looking for rain it's not showing up in the forecast. this is what we have tomorrow morning, maybe a few sprinkles up in the north bay or drizzle. you can see all the cloud cover at 9:00. then we take this to the 12:00
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hour. still lingering clouds. the clouds begin to break up. clearing skies by late monday night into tuesday morning but the fog regrouping by tuesday morning. we will have the clouds out there. temperatures do come down a few degrees in most spots and most neighborhoods 60 degrees. san jose tops out right around 63 in gilroy in the mid-60s. temperatures will check in right around 3:00 tomorrow afternoon -- these temperatures will check in right around 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. temperatures come down tuesday, holding steady into wednesday. a few extra clouds by thursday and also by thursday we begin to see a major swell approaching the coastline. we will keep an eye on that for thursday. with your weekend always in view. heather and ken, i have no
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material. no rainfall, just partly cloudy skies and no conditions. >> it'll be dry a little longer then. >> yeah, a bit longer. >> who's in and who's out of the nfl play offs? we will tell you next. >> also we will hear from a very upset raiders head coach what hugh jackson said about the team's performance today against the chargers. sports wrap is next.
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how's it going everybody. welcome to sports wrap and a happy new year's to you. it was not the definitive statement the giants waed


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